A long time ago, in a dense jungle, there was a pond where many frogs lived. Among them, one frog lived with his three children. They all resided in the pond, leading their lives by eating and drinking. The frog was in good health, and he had become the largest frog in the pond. His children were delighted to have a father they considered the biggest and strongest in the world. The frog often boasted about his strength and physical prowess, creating a facade of power.
One day, as the frog’s children were playing near the pond, they ventured out and reached a nearby village. There, they saw an ox and were astonished by its size.
 They had never seen such a large creature before. The ox was peacefully grazing on grass, paying no attention to the frogs. While the frogs were watching the ox, it suddenly let out a loud roar.Â
Startled and frightened, the frog’s three children ran back to the pond and sought refuge with their father.
Curious about their fear, the frog asked his children about the cause. They explained that they had seen a gigantic and powerful creature, even larger than their father. Hearing this, the frog’s ego was hurt, and he decided to see this creature for himself. He went with his children to the village and witnessed the ox peacefully grazing on grass. The ox ignored the frogs, and as it let out a loud bellow, the frog and his children, overwhelmed by fear, hastily returned to the safety of the pond.
Back at the pond, the frog, feeling his pride wounded, took a deep breath and inflated himself, declaring, “Was that creature even bigger than me?” His children replied, “Yes, it was much larger than you.” Infuriated, the frog inflated himself even more and asked, “Now, was it still bigger?” The children responded, “Yes, it was several times bigger than you.” The frog, unable to tolerate this information, inflated himself to the fullest, resembling a balloon, and asked one final time, “Was it still bigger?” The children, not willing to engage in the frog’s arrogance, simply said, “No, it was nothing compared to you.”
Inflated with pride, the frog continued to expand until he burst, and in his arrogance, he lost his life.
Moral of the Story:
The story teaches us never to be arrogant. Arrogance can lead to self-destruction, and one should not underestimate others based on one’s perceived strengths.