In a dense jungle, a rooster lived on a tree. Every morning, before the sunrise, he would wake up, go into the jungle to peck at grains and drink water, and return before evening. In the same jungle, a cunning fox also resided. She would often see the rooster and think, “What a big and fine rooster! If I could catch him, he would make a delicious meal.” However, the fox never managed to catch the rooster.
One day, the fox devised a plan to catch the rooster. She went near the tree where the rooster lived and said, “Hey, brother rooster! Have you heard the good news? The jungle’s rulers and our elders have decided to end all fights and disputes. From today, no animal will harm another.Â
Come down, let’s embrace each other and congratulate.”
Hearing this, the rooster looked at the fox with a smile and said, “Oh, that’s wonderful news, sister fox! Look behind you; maybe that’s why some more friends of ours are coming to join us.”
Surprised, the fox turned around to see, and the rooster continued, “Maybe our new friends, the hunting dogs, are also on their way here.”
As soon as the fox heard the word ‘dogs,’ without a second thought, she ran in the opposite direction.
The rooster chuckled and said, “Oh, fox sister, where are you running? Now we are all friends, aren’t we?”
The fox, realizing her mistake, ran away, and the rooster was saved.
From this story of the clever rooster and the cunning fox, we learn not to trust easily and to be cautious around sly individuals.