Once upon a time, during the hot summer season, an ant was working hard, diligently collecting grains for itself. In fact, it was thinking that before the sunlight becomes too harsh, it would be wise to finish its work. The ant had been engrossed in this task for several days. Every day, it would gather grains from the field and store them in its anthill. Nearby, a grasshopper was chirping away, enjoying life, dancing and singing songs.
The ant, drenched in sweat, was exhausted from the effort of collecting grains. Carrying the grains on its back, it was heading towards its anthill when the grasshopper jumped in front of it. The grasshopper said, “Dear ant, why are you working so hard? Come, let’s have some fun!” The ant ignored the grasshopper, continued lifting one grain at a time, and stored them in its anthill.
Lost in its merriment, the grasshopper danced around and teased the ant. Hopping around, it came in the ant’s way and said, “Dear ant, come and listen to my song. The weather is so pleasant. There’s a cool breeze, golden sunlight. Why waste this beautiful day working so hard?” The ant, bothered by the grasshopper’s antics, continued with its work. Frustrated, the ant advised the grasshopper, “Listen, grasshopper, the cold weather will come in a few days. Snow will fall, and you won’t find any grains anywhere. My suggestion is, arrange for your food now.”
Gradually, the hot weather came to an end. The grasshopper, engrossed in its enjoyment, didn’t even realize when the summer ended. After the rain, the cold set in, accompanied by fog and snowfall. Sun sightings were rare due to the thick cover of snow. The grasshopper had made no effort to collect food for itself. Hungry, it began to suffer.
The grasshopper had no plan to escape the snow and cold. That’s when it noticed the ant, comfortably enjoying its stored grains in the anthill. The grasshopper realized that it had wasted its time, and hunger and cold were now tormenting it. The ant, seeing the grasshopper’s plight, offered help by giving it some grains. The ant had collected enough grass and straw to survive the cold. It suggested to the grasshopper to use it to build its shelter.
Lesson from the story: It is important to work hard with dedication and diligence. Even though people might make fun of you at the time, they will eventually appreciate your efforts.