Children, there are many famous stories about Akbar and Birbal. These stories not only leave their mark on everyone’s hearts but also impart valuable lessons. One such story is “The Needle in the Beard.”
Once, Emperor Akbar’s most beloved ring went missing suddenly. Despite searching extensively, it could not be found. Troubled by this, Emperor Akbar shared the matter with Birbal. In response, Birbal asked the emperor, “When did you take off the ring, and where did you keep it?” Emperor Akbar replied, “I kept my ring in the cupboard before taking a bath, and when I returned, it was not there.”
Then Birbal said, “So, the ring is not lost; it must have been stolen. Perhaps, someone among the palace staff, responsible for cleaning, took it.” Hearing this, Emperor Akbar called all the servants to appear. There were five servants assigned to clean the emperor’s chamber, and all five of them showed up.
After the servants assembled, Birbal said, “The emperor’s ring has been stolen, which was kept in the cupboard. If any of you have taken it, confess now; otherwise, I will have to inquire directly from the cupboard.” Then Birbal approached the cupboard and began whispering some words. Afterward, with a smile, he said to the five servants, “A thief cannot escape me because there is a needle in the thief’s beard.”
Upon hearing this, one of the servants, trying to hide his face, touched his beard as if attempting to remove something. In the meantime, Birbal’s gaze fell upon him, and he immediately ordered the soldiers to arrest the thief.
When Emperor Akbar sternly questioned him, the servant confessed to his crime. He returned the emperor’s ring. Emperor Akbar was pleased to have his ring back.
Lesson from “The Needle in the Beard” story:
This story teaches us that using intelligence instead of force can solve every problem.