Once upon a time, in a large kingdom, there lived a king with his queen. The people in their kingdom were very happy, as the king took excellent care of his subjects. Due to their benevolent rule, the king and queen were admired, and the citizens prayed for their well-being.
Despite all the prosperity, there was one sorrow in their lives – they did not have any children. The queen, a devout worshiper of the sun god, believed that with the grace of the Sun deity, they would be blessed with a child.
One day, as the king and queen were strolling in their garden, they sat by a pond, enjoying the beauty of nature. Suddenly, a frog appeared and spoke to the queen. It predicted that, with the benevolence of the Sun god, she would soon have a daughter.
The frog’s words came true, and the queen gave birth to a beautiful daughter that very year. The princess was named Sunshyne, a reflection of the Sun god’s blessings.
To celebrate the birth of their daughter, the king organized a grand festival and invited everyone. However, in the midst of the celebration, the king forgot to invite the dark fairy.
When the fairy discovered this oversight, she appeared and, in anger, cursed the princess. She proclaimed that when Sunshyne turned fifteen, she would die from pricking her finger on a spinning wheel.
Distraught and saddened by the curse, the king and queen tried to find a solution. The good fairy intervened and reduced the severity of the curse. Instead of death, the princess and the entire kingdom would fall into a deep sleep for a hundred years when the curse was fulfilled.
As time passed, Sunshyne grew up, and the fateful day arrived when she turned fifteen. The king and queen, now aware of the curse, took measures to protect their daughter. However, Sunshyne, while exploring the palace, stumbled upon an old spinning wheel.
In curiosity, she touched the spinning wheel and pricked her finger, causing the curse to take effect. The entire kingdom, along with Sunshyne, fell into a deep slumber.
Years went by, and the palace became overgrown with thorns and vines. The path to the palace became difficult to navigate. Many princes tried to reach the palace, but none returned.
One day, a handsome prince, who had conquered many kingdoms, heard the story of the sleeping princess. Despite warnings, he ventured into the thorny path. As he reached the palace, the thorns magically cleared, and everyone, including Sunshyne, woke up.
Upon seeing the prince, Sunshyne and the prince fell in love. The kingdom rejoiced, and the prince and princess were married, breaking the curse forever.
The moral of the story is that true love and kindness can overcome even the most formidable challenges.