Once upon a time, there was an ashram situated on the banks of the Ganges River. A guru lived there, spending his days engrossed in meditation and spiritual practices.
One day, while the guru was bathing in the river, an eagle carrying a baby mouse in its talons was flying overhead. As the eagle flew over the guru, the baby mouse slipped from the eagle’s claws and fell into the guru’s palm.
Concerned that if he left the baby mouse alone, the eagle would devour it, the guru decided not to abandon it. He placed the baby mouse under a nearby banyan tree and went back into the river to purify himself.
After bathing, the guru used his powers to transform the baby mouse into a young girl and took her to the ashram. He explained the situation to his wife and suggested that since they didn’t have any children, they should accept this as a gift from the divine and raise her lovingly.
The girl began her education in the ashram under the guidance of the guru. She was very bright and intelligent, which made the guru and his wife proud of their daughter.
One day, the guru’s wife informed him that their daughter was of marriageable age. The guru remarked that she was a special child deserving of an exceptional husband.
Using his powers the next morning, the guru prayed to the Sun God and asked, “O Sun God, would you marry my daughter?”
Hearing this, the girl replied, “Father, the Sun God illuminates the whole world, but he is unbearably hot and intense. I cannot marry him. Please find a better husband for me.”
Surprised, the guru asked, “Who could be better than the Sun God?”
To which the Sun God suggested, “You can talk to the King of Clouds. He is better than me as he can cover and protect my light.”
Following this advice, the guru summoned the King of Clouds and requested, “Please accept my daughter’s hand in marriage if she chooses you.”
However, the girl refused the King of Clouds too, stating, “Father, the King of Clouds is dark, damp, and extremely cold. I cannot marry him. Please find a better husband for me.”
Perplexed, the guru inquired, “Who could be better than the King of Clouds?”
The King of Clouds suggested, “Speak to the Lord of the Winds. He is better than me as he can carry me anywhere.”
Using his powers again, the guru called the Lord of the Winds and proposed, “Please accept my daughter in marriage if she chooses you.”
But the girl declined, saying, “Father, the Lord of the Winds is too fast and constantly changing direction. I cannot marry him. Please find a better husband for me.”
The guru pondered, “Who could be better than the Lord of the Winds?”
The Lord of the Winds advised, “You can talk to the King of the Mountains. He is better than me as he can stop me from blowing.”
Finally, utilizing his abilities once more, the guru invited the King of the Mountains and said, “Please accept my daughter’s hand in marriage if she chooses you.”
When the girl met the King of the Mountains, she was pleased and agreed to marry him.
The guru then transformed his daughter back into a beautiful young mouse. Thus, the guru’s daughter had her unique wedding, marrying the King of the Mountains.
Lesson from the Story: One’s inherent nature cannot be changed.