This is a very old story about a king who had a pet monkey. The king had great faith in the monkey because it was devoted to the king. The monkey served the king wholeheartedly but was completely foolish. It did not understand any work properly. Whenever the king rested, the monkey would fan him.
One day, while the king was asleep and the monkey was fanning him, a fly buzzed around and settled on the king. The monkey tried repeatedly to chase the fly away with the fan, but the fly would fly around, sometimes settling on the king’s chest, then on his head, and sometimes on his thighs.
The foolish monkey continued trying to chase away the fly for a long time, but the fly showed no signs of leaving. Seeing this, the monkey became angry and left the fan, pulling out a sword. When the fly settled on the king’s forehead, the monkey climbed on the king’s chest with the sword. Seeing this, the king got scared. Then when the fly flew off the king’s forehead, the monkey chased it in the air with the sword. Later, when the fly settled on the king’s head, the sword wielded by the monkey cut the king’s hair, and when it settled on the king’s mustache, the mustache was cut. Seeing this, the king saved his life and ran out of the room, and the monkey, carrying the sword, ran after him. This created chaos throughout the palace.
Lesson from the story:
The lesson from this story is to not assign any task to a fool that might later pose a danger to you.