Once upon a time, in a cave on the summit of Mount Arbud, there lived a lion named Durdant. He was very ferocious. Every day, he would come out of his cave only to hunt and after filling his stomach, he would return to his cave to sleep. One day, a mouse somehow entered his cave and decided to live there by making a burrow.
One day, while the lion was sleeping in his cave, the mouse came out of its burrow, nibbled at his mane, and went back into its hole. When the lion woke up, he saw that his mane had been nibbled. He became furious and tried to catch the mouse many times, but the mouse was so swift that it always managed to escape and hide in its burrow.
In the end, the lion came up with a plan. He thought, “Why not bring the ultimate enemy to kill the mouse?” He went to the jungle and cunningly brought a cat to his cave. From then on, whenever the lion slept or rested, the cat kept a watchful eye on him. The lion would bring fresh meat for the cat every day. As a result, the cat became fat and healthy in just a few days.
On the other hand, the mouse, due to the fear of the cat, stayed inside its burrow. It did not come out even for food and water. Consequently, it became weak. One day, hungry and thirsty, the mouse ventured out of its burrow. It saw that the lion was resting comfortably in his cave, and the cat was enjoying the fresh meat.
However, the cat was clever. As soon as the mouse approached to nibble at the lion’s mane, the cat pounced on it and swallowed it. The cat was delighted that it would no longer have to worry about the mouse bothering the lion. The lion, upon waking up, was very pleased. Now that his problem was resolved, he no longer needed the cat’s services. From that day on, the lion stopped bringing fresh meat for the cat.
Eventually, the hungry and weakened cat realized that the lion gave him meat only because of the mouse. With the mouse gone, the cat had no purpose. The cat left the cave and went away.
The story teaches us that once people achieve their goals, they often start behaving towards others like outsiders. Therefore, we should never get carried away by someone’s influence.