It was the summer season, and a little ant was feeling extremely thirsty. It wandered here and there in search of water. After a while, it reached near a river. The river was full of water, but the ant couldn’t directly go into the river.
Due to this, it climbed onto a small stone near the river and attempted to drink water by bending down towards the river. However, as the ant bent down towards the water, it slipped and fell into the river.
A pigeon sitting on a tree by the riverbank observed all this. Feeling pity for the ant’s condition, the pigeon planned to save the ant. It quickly plucked a leaf from the tree’s branch and dropped it into the flowing water near the drowning ant.
The ant climbed onto the leaf and when the leaf reached the riverbank, the ant leaped onto the ground. The ant thanked the pigeon for saving its life and went away from there.
A few days later, a hunter arrived at the riverbank. He spread his net near the pigeon’s nest. Placing some grains on the net, he hid behind a nearby bush.
The pigeon couldn’t see the hunter or his net. It saw the grains on the ground and descended to peck at them. As soon as the pigeon landed on the net, it got entangled in the hunter’s trap.
At the same time, the ant happened to arrive at the scene. It saw the pigeon trapped in the hunter’s net. Despite the pigeon’s desperate attempts, it couldn’t free itself from the net. Witnessing this, the ant decided to save the pigeon.
The ant rushed towards the hunter and started biting his feet. The hunter felt intense pain due to the ant’s bites. He threw away the net and began clearing his feet. In the chaos, the pigeon managed to escape from the net and flew away swiftly.
In this way, the ant saved the pigeon’s life.
Lesson from the story: If someone helps another without any selfish motives, it often results in a good outcome. Good deeds towards others always yield positive results.