Birbal’s wit and quick responses were highly appreciated by Emperor Akbar. One day, in recognition of Birbal’s cleverness, Emperor Akbar announced a reward for him. However, over time, the emperor forgot about this promise.
Meanwhile, Birbal patiently waited for the promised reward. He pondered on how to remind Emperor Akbar about the reward.
One evening, while Emperor Akbar was enjoying a stroll along the banks of the Yamuna River, he spotted an ostrich. Observing the bent neck of the ostrich, the emperor turned to Birbal and asked, “Birbal, do you know why the ostrich’s neck is bent?”
Seizing the opportunity to remind the emperor of the promised reward, Birbal promptly replied, “Your Majesty, the ostrich had forgotten its promise to someone, and ever since then, its neck has been like this. People believe that when someone forgets a promise, their neck turns in a similar manner.”
Upon hearing this, Emperor Akbar was surprised. He suddenly remembered the reward he had promised Birbal. Acknowledging his forgetfulness, Akbar quickly asked Birbal to accompany him to the palace.
Once in the palace, Emperor Akbar presented Birbal with the promised reward and jokingly inquired, “Will my neck also turn like the ostrich’s?” Birbal, with a smile, assured the emperor, “No, Your Majesty.” Both the emperor and Birbal burst into laughter.
In this way, Birbal cleverly reminded Emperor Akbar of the forgotten reward and received his due recognition.
Moral of the story:
The story teaches us the importance of keeping promises and fulfilling commitments made to others.