
Frog And Mouse Story

Billi Aur Bandar Ki Kahani 1.jpg

There was a jungle where all the animals lived harmoniously, following the rules of the jungle and celebrating every festival together. Among these animals were two cats named Cheeni and Meeni. They were very good friends and never left each other’s side. They took care of each other when one was sick, went out together, and even shared meals. All the animals in the jungle praised their friendship.

One day, Meeni had to go to the market for some work, but for some reason, Cheeni couldn’t accompany her. Cheeni felt lonely without Meeni, so she decided to go to the market as well.

While walking on the way, Cheeni found a piece of bread. The temptation of eating the bread alone overwhelmed her, and she took it home. Just as she was about to eat the bread, Meeni arrived suddenly. Seeing the bread in Cheeni’s hand, Meeni asked her why she wasn’t sharing it since they always ate together. She wondered if Cheeni would deny her the bread this time.

Cheeni, feeling cornered, thought quickly and said in a hurry, “Oh no, sister, I was just dividing the bread so that both of us could have an equal share.” Meeni, understanding the situation, also felt a desire for the bread but didn’t say anything. As soon as the bread was divided, Meeni exclaimed that her portion seemed smaller. Cheeni, who had found the bread and considered it rightfully hers, was unwilling to give Meeni more. Despite this, she insisted that the portions were equal.

This disagreement between them escalated and soon became known throughout the jungle. All the animals watched as the two cats argued. At that moment, a monkey arrived and offered to settle the matter. He said he would distribute the remaining bread pieces between them fairly.

Reluctantly, both cats agreed. The monkey brought a set of scales and placed the bread pieces on either side. Whichever side seemed heavier, he would eat a little bit from the heavier side until both sides were equal. The monkey cleverly ate more from the side that had a larger portion, making the other side heavier.

Even though both cats protested, the monkey insisted that he was just ensuring fairness. After consuming a significant portion, the monkey left, leaving both cats with smaller pieces of bread. The cats, unhappy with the outcome, asked for their remaining bread back, intending to share it themselves.

The monkey, smirking, replied, “Oh wow, you two are very clever. Will you not give me the reward for my efforts?” Saying this, the monkey consumed the remaining bread pieces from their paws and left, leaving both cats regretting their actions.

The moral of the story is that we should never be greedy. We should be content with what we have and strive to live together harmoniously. Greed can lead to losing what we already have.


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