
Kauwa Aur Lomdi Ki Kahani

Kauwa Aur Lomdi Ki Kahani

In a jungle, there lived a crow. Everyone kept their distance from him because he constantly sang in a harsh voice, causing annoyance to all the animals.

One day, in search of food, the crow ventured out of the jungle towards a nearby village. Luckily, he found a piece of bread there. Carrying the bread, he returned to the jungle and perched on his tree.

At that moment, a fox passing by was feeling very hungry. She saw the crow with the bread and began contemplating how she could eat the bread.

As the crow began to eat the bread, the fox, from below, spoke, “Hey, Crow Majesty, I’ve heard that someone here sings in a very melodious voice. Is that you?”

Hearing the fox praise his voice, the crow felt secretly pleased and nodded his head.

The fox then said, “Why are you joking, Your Majesty? How can I believe that you were singing so sweetly? If you sing and show me, then I’ll believe it.”

The crow, pleased with the fox’s compliments, started singing. As he sang, the piece of bread fell from his beak.

Seeing this, the fox pretended to be surprised and said, “Oh, Crow Majesty, your singing was indeed melodious. I have witnessed it now.”

After saying this, the fox quickly pounced on the fallen bread, took a bite, and left. The hungry crow watched the fox leave and regretted his actions.

From this story, we learn that we should not be swayed by others’ words, and we should be cautious of those who praise us falsely for their own benefit.

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