
Chuha Billi Ki Kahani

Chuha Billi Ki Kahani

Once upon a time, there was a clever and cunning cat, and her cunning ways made even the mice cautious, and now the mice were avoiding the cat.

One day, a time came when the cat was suffering from hunger. Not a single mouse came into her reach because they would quickly hide in their burrows upon hearing her footsteps.

To escape hunger, the cat started to devise a plan. Suddenly, an idea struck her, and she lay upside down on a table. She acted as if she were dead. All the mice watched her from their burrows, knowing that the cat was very clever and cautious.

However, the cat was not one to give up easily. She lay on the table for a long time. Slowly, the mice began to believe that the cat had indeed died. Celebrating, they cautiously started to come out of their burrows.

While they approached the seemingly lifeless cat, she suddenly sprang into action and caught two mice. This time, the cat successfully filled her stomach, but the mice became even more alert.

After eating, the cat pretended to be hungry again, knowing that the mice would not be as careless as before.

Seeing the cat suffering from hunger again, the mice thought she must be really desperate this time. They approached, but an elderly mouse stopped them. He carefully observed the situation and noticed the cat covered herself with flour this time.

The wise mouse warned the others, saying, “Go back to your burrows. The cat is hiding in the flour.” Trusting the elderly mouse’s experience, all the mice returned to their burrows.

When no mouse reached the cat even after a long time, she got up due to fatigue. In this way, the wise old mouse saved all the mice from the cat’s deceit.

From this story, the lesson is that using intelligence can help avoid deception.

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