
Chidiya Aur Hathi Ki Kahani

Hindi Chidiya Aur Hathi Ki Kahani

On a tree, a bird used to live with her husband. The bird spent her entire day sitting in the nest, taking care of her eggs, while her husband arranged food for both of them. They were both very happy and eagerly awaited the hatching of their chicks.

One day, while the bird’s husband was away in search of grains, the bird was taking care of her eggs. At that moment, an elephant with a drunken gait came by and started breaking the branches of the tree. The elephant knocked down the bird’s nest, causing all her eggs to break. The bird was very sad, and she felt a strong anger towards the elephant. When the bird’s husband returned, he saw the bird sitting on a broken branch, crying. The bird explained the entire incident to her husband, who also felt deeply saddened. They both decided to teach the arrogant elephant a lesson.

The two birds went to their friend, the woodpecker, and told him the whole story. The woodpecker said that the elephant needed to be taught a lesson. The woodpecker had two other friends, a bee and a frog. Together, they planned to teach the elephant a lesson that the bird found very appealing.

Following their plan, the woodpecker started humming in the elephant’s ear. When the elephant got lost in the sweet sound, the woodpecker pecked both of the elephant’s eyes. The elephant, in pain, began to scream, and at that moment, the frog came with his family and began croaking loudly near the elephant. The confused elephant, unable to see and disturbed by the noise, stumbled into a nearby swamp. Wanting to drink water, the elephant got stuck in the mud.

In this way, with the help of the woodpecker, bee, and frog, the bird successfully took revenge on the elephant. The bird and her husband learned that unity and wisdom could overcome even the most significant challenges.

Moral of the Story: Children, this story teaches us that by using unity and wisdom, we can overcome big challenges.

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