
Billi Ke Gale Mein Ghanti

Billi Ke Gale Mein Ghanti

In a very large house, there were hundreds of mice. They roamed around the entire house to fill their stomachs with food. All the mice happily enjoyed their lives in comfort. Suddenly, one day, a cat entered the house to hunt. Upon seeing the cat, all the mice quickly hid in their respective holes. The cat observed that there were a lot of mice in the house and decided to stay there. Now, the cat started living in the same house.

Whenever the cat felt hungry, it would sneak into the darkness and hide. As soon as the mice came out, the cat would pounce on them and devour them. This became a daily routine. Slowly, the number of mice began to decrease, and terror spread among them.

To find a solution to this problem, the mice called for a meeting. All the mice were present at the meeting, and various suggestions were given to prevent the cat from becoming a threat and making the mice its prey. None of the suggestions seemed effective enough to stop the cat.

In the meeting, an elderly mouse suddenly came up with an idea. He suggested that they could save themselves from the cat, but for that, they would need a bell and some thread. The old mouse explained that they could tie a bell around the cat’s neck, and when the cat approached, the ringing of the bell would alert them about the danger. After knowing the danger, they could scatter and hide in their respective holes.

The mice were overjoyed with this solution. They began to dance happily, thinking that now they would be safe from the cat. Everyone was celebrating when suddenly, an experienced mouse stood up. He scolded them and said that they were all fools. After scolding them, he asked, “Now, who will tie the bell around the cat’s neck?” All the mice started looking at each other in dismay. The excitement turned into disappointment.

During this discussion, they heard the approaching footsteps of the cat. In panic, all the mice rushed to their holes and hid. The moral of the story is that only making plans is not enough; it is also essential to think about implementing those plans. Celebrating without figuring out how to execute the plan is pointless.

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