Once upon a time, the sun and the wind suddenly found themselves in a dispute. Both began to argue about who was the most powerful. The wind had a proud and stubborn nature, believing in its strength. It thought that if it started blowing at high speed, it could uproot even the largest trees and gather the waters of rivers and lakes.
Due to its arrogance, the wind began arguing with the sun, saying, “I am more powerful than you. I can shake anyone with my gusts.”
The sun, in a calm manner, declined to accept the wind’s claim and said, “See, one should never be arrogant about one’s power.”
Irritated by this, the wind continued to boast about its strength.
Upon their continuous argument, a man was spotted walking down the road. He was wearing a coat. Seeing him, an idea crossed the sun’s mind. It suggested to the wind, “Whoever can force this man to take off his coat will be considered more powerful.”
The wind agreed, and the sun hid behind the clouds, allowing the wind to take the first chance.
The wind started blowing slowly, but the man did not take off his coat. It then blew faster and stronger, but the man clutched his coat tighter. The wind, in its powerful gusts, only made the man feel colder.
Eventually, the wind grew tired, and the sun’s turn came. It emerged from behind the clouds and started shining gently. The warmth gradually increased. The man began to feel the sun’s heat, and soon, he felt too hot in his coat.
In the end, the man took off his coat to cool down.
Observing this, the wind realized its mistake and conceded defeat. The sun, with its mild and steady warmth, had proven to be more powerful than the gusty wind.
The moral of the story is never to be arrogant about one’s abilities and strength, as arrogance often leads to defeat.