A long time ago, in a village named Chui, there lived a potter. He used to make clay pots and toys every day and sell them in the city. Life went on for him in a routine manner. Troubled by the daily struggles, one day his wife suggested that he should stop making and selling clay pots and toys. Instead, he should go to the city and look for a job so that they could earn more.
The potter also felt that his situation was challenging. He went to the city and started working. Although he worked, his heart was still in making clay pots and toys. Nevertheless, he silently continued with his job.
While working, he spent a considerable amount of time. One day, the employer invited him to his son’s birthday party. As a birthday gift, everyone
 brought expensive presents. The potter thought that no one pays attention to the gifts of the poor, so he decided to make a clay toy as a gift for the employer’s son.
Upon receiving the clay toy as a gift, the employer’s son and the other children present at the party liked it very much. Soon, all the children at the party insisted on having the same clay toy. The insistence of the children caught the attention of everyone present.
Seeing the demand, people started asking about the clay toy. Everyone was surprised and wanted to know where and how he had purchased such a magnificent toy. Someone revealed that it was made by their servant. This news astonished everyone.
People began questioning the potter about the clay toy. The potter explained that it was not an expensive toy but something he made with his own hands. He used to make and sell such toys in his village. However, the earnings were not sufficient, so he had to come to the city for work.
The employer was amazed by the potter’s skill. He thought about the potential business opportunity in selling the clay toys made by the potter. Impressed by the potter’s talent, the employer decided to offer him a good house to live in and a substantial salary. Delighted, the potter accepted the proposal.
With his employer dealing in the business of the clay toys crafted by the potter, he became content. He quickly went back to his village, brought his family to live with him, and continued making clay toys. The business turned out to be profitable, and everyone in the family started living a happy and comfortable life.
From this story, we learn that talent never goes unnoticed. If someone is skilled at something, that talent can help them overcome difficult situations.