In a dense jungle, there was a flock of eagles that lived together. They used to fly together, hunting collectively. Once, while flying, they reached a hill. There were many fish and frogs there.
They liked the hill very much because it provided all the facilities for food, shelter, and living. All the eagles started living on that hill. Now, they didn’t have to go anywhere for hunting. They all enjoyed abundant food without much effort.
In that flock, there was an old eagle. He was troubled by observing the laziness of his companions. Seeing the entire flock living a comfortable life on the hill without the need for hunting, the old eagle became very concerned.
He repeatedly warned all the eagles that friends, we should soar again for hunting so that we can strengthen our hunting skills. If we continue to be lazy like this, we might forget how to hunt one day. Therefore, we should return to our old jungle as soon as possible.
Upon hearing the advice of the old eagle, all the eagles began to laugh. They said that due to his old age, his mind had gone bad. Therefore, he was advising them to leave the comfortable life they were enjoying. Making fun of him, they refused to leave the hill.
The old eagle, feeling dejected, returned to the jungle alone. After a few days, he thought that enough time had passed, and he decided to go to that hill again and meet his relatives and friends there. As soon as the old eagle reached the hill, he was astonished to see the situation.
All the eagles on the hill had died. Only their corpses lay there. Then, he noticed a wounded eagle in a corner. He went to him and inquired about the situation. The wounded eagle explained that a group of cheetahs had attacked them a few days ago. They couldn’t fly high enough to defend themselves, and their ability to confront them had diminished.
Hearing the wounded eagle’s story, the old eagle felt sorrowful. After the death of his companions, the old eagle returned alone to his jungle.
Moral of the Story:
We should protect our strength and abilities in every situation. If we stop performing our duties due to laziness, it could be detrimental to our future.